My story
Hey there!

I'm a small town Nebraska girl with big dreams and a creative soul! My journey into web design has been a wild one, but I'm loving every minute of it! Located in Central Nebraska, 29TH DESIGN specializes in creating websites that breathe life into business through custom coding. I absolutely love writing codes to enhance websites and simplify processes for businesses!

I graduated with a degree in secondary math education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I taught 7th-12th grade math for 6 years before deciding I just had to explore my creative side. Full disclosure: I wasn't quite sure what that looked like, but the pull on my heart was something I could not ignore anymore.

While I was teaching, I started a business making t-shirts, earrings, and selling boutique clothing out of my trailer-turned-traveling boutique. As a full-time gig, though, Royle Creations was a lot of hours on the road traveling to vendor events, and I just wasn't sure if that was “it”.
Then something so crazy happened! I thought I was just helping a family friend with a template website, but I ended up staying up waaaaay too late for waaaay too many nights teaching myself how to code in order to incorporate my friend’s desired web design elements. With web design and coding, I felt like I was on a different planet. There really is something out there that combines my math brain and my creative brain AND I can do in small town's web design!

I enrolled in coding classes, got a certificate in Adobe Illustrator, and 29TH DESIGN was born! The joy I now have in my heart is indescribable, and I cannot wait to share my love of coding and designing with other entrepreneurs. I absolutely love the challenge of adding custom coding to unlock more website features for my clients.

As I look back on the fear and anxiety I had when quitting my full time job to pursue my creative side, I wish I could go back in time to tell myself that God had and has a plan. If I never quit to follow my heart, my eyes would have never been opened to what else I could do. Life is short -- if you have a dream, go for it! I had doubts, worries, and fears....but it worked out even better than expected. Change is scary...but so is wondering what could be if you don't make the change. It's okay to change your mind. It's okay to do something different. Pursue what you love! If you don't do it now, when will you?

I hope you can find something that sets your soul on fire, too.
And when you do -- I'll be here to support you and make your website dreams a reality!
What's the 29 for?
When I decided to make a career change, my age was really bothering me. I felt silly for not having “it” figured out. For me, 29 was when I figured “it” out. I decided to include 29 in my business name as a positive reminder that it doesn’t matter what your age is…”it’s never too late… to be whoever you want to be.” -Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Winning Big Idea
Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations helps you grow! Nervous was an understatement when I found out I was selected to be a contestant for Big Idea Grand Island in the fall of 2022. Big Idea was an incredible opportunity to pitch my idea for 29th Design in front of a panel of judges and a live audience. The contest was giving away $5,000, business coaching, and other business resources to the winner. All I had to do was present my idea for 29th Design-Web Design Aimed at Breathing Life into Business...
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